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Immersive Full-Screen Mode 1.9 APK

by Unknown , at 2:50 AM , have 0 comments
Immersive Full-Screen Mode 1.9 - Now Monkey D. Luffy Post New Immersive Full-Screen Mode 1.9 APK at Android Apps Category

*App Info*

Current Version: 1.9

Requires Android: Varies with device

Category: Personalization

v1.9 update:

Version 1.9 (14 February 2014)

* Add a widget

Version 1.8 (24 January 2014 )

* Add a blacklist feature, select what applications immersive cannot be in

Version 1.7 (9 January 2014):

* Add an auto enter immersive mode on selected applications


Enter the all new KitKat Immersive Mode. Get full screen on any application.

IMPORTANT: because of an Android limitation, the keyboard will not work while in immersive mode.

This tool can enter and leave the new Immersive Mode so that you can take advantage of every pixel on your screen. This will thus hide the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen.


* Enter and leave immersive mode from settings

* Enter and leave immersive mode from the notification area

* Choose to also hide the status bar on top

* Can automatically enter immersive mode on selected applications

* Has a blacklist for applications that you rather never have in immersive mode

* Contains a widget to toggle the state

* Does not require root! So no root is needed, no extra configuration is needed, works out of the box!

* Public intents

– be.ppareit.immersivemode.ACTION_ENTER_IMMERSIVEMODE

– be.ppareit.immersivemode.ACTION_LEAVE_IMMERSIVEMODE

– be.ppareit.immersivemode.ACTION_TOGGLE_IMMERSIVEMODE

are available, for instance to script some action

Known issues:

* Keyboard only works in certain cases. It might be needed to exit immersive mode for certain applications to use the keyboard. This is a security feature of android.

* Some applications can’t handle switching to immersive mode. Those applications don’t follow the normal design guidelines of android. Mostly games have this problem.

* On the cyanogenmod ROM, the home button will not work


For any questions or feature requests, contact the developer. - DOES NOT supply any patch, crack, activation key, serial number, license code or keygen for the apk file.

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Immersive Full-Screen Mode 1.9 APK
Immersive Full-Screen Mode 1.9 APK - written by Unknown , published at 2:50 AM, categorized as Android Apps . And have 0 comments
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