*App Info*
Current Version:
Requires Android: 4.0.3 and up
Category: Personalization
v2.0.2.1 update:
- More activity name fixes.
- Minor Dashboard tweaks
- Activity name updates/fixes/changes.
- Nova Icon Picker Categories
- Added Icons for Telegram and Muzei, multiple requests for both and an Icon for Min Beta which will change to the actual icon once out of Beta.
Flatro is a icon set for launchers, a blend of Retro, Minimal and Flat, they all come together to create a fresh and unique icon set.
What’s in Flatro version 2.0?
- Over 1000 custom icons.
- Icon masking/backing support for unthemed icons.
- Matching Zooper Widgets
- Dashboard App
- 24 minimal wallpapers crafted to suit the icons.
- Various alternatives to some icons.
- Various misc icons for general use.
- Wallpaper picker with crop function in the dashboard application
- Support for Apex, Nova, ADW, Smart, Action, TSF (Basic Icon Support), Go (Basic Icon Support) and a few others.
Why the permissions?: http://ryanmkelly.me/android/iconpacks/permissions/
How do I use this?
Inside the Dashboard app, you’ll see various options, In the Apply section, you can easily Apply to 5 supported launchers.
For others, you have to go into the Launcher settings yourself and change the theme, this happens on launchers such as GO, SL Launcher and many more. (Go users must remove the icon masking in the settings for it to correctly apply).
Flatro DOES NOT support Buzz Launcher.
Want more wallpapers? Check these out! http://ryanmkelly.me/android/wallpaper/index.html
Something isn’t working, what can I do?
If something isn’t working for you, or you need help with something, please email me. I’ll reply with in 48hrs. You can find my email in the app itself, or under this description.
Please rate/review and check out my other work. Enjoy!
flatro, icons, adw, apex, action launcher, nova, ryan kelly
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