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Spendee 1.1.4 APK

by Unknown , at 6:51 PM , have 0 comments
Spendee 1.1.4 - Now Monkey D. Luffy Post New Spendee 1.1.4 APK at Android Apps Category

*App Info*

Current Version: 1.1.4

Requires Android: 2.3 and up

Category: Finance

v1.1.4 update:

- Bug fixes and improvements


Spendee is an awesome new app for managing your personal finances on the go. It gives you the power of unique data analysis in an adaptable environment that automatically and thoroughly analyzes your income and expenses, giving you intelligent advice on how to make the most of your money. The app is beautifully designed with a sleek simple layout and built with a precise user interface that is both enjoyable and comfortable to use. Simply punch in the numbers, and see your money analyzed and expressed as informative and easy-to-read infographics.

Main Features

- Intuitive and easy-to-use

- Adding a new transaction is fast and easy! – create a new transaction in seconds

- Easily editable categories to reflect user preferences

- Truly intelligent notifications for frequent expenses and income

- Snap a photo of your bills or personal notes and add them into the app for easy storage and management

- Beautifully designed interface with convenient infographic option – The design is both beautiful and fun to use

- New data export feature to excel, csv or Google Drive


- Hold your phone horizontally to display larger charts

- Swipe your transaction screen to display time saving shortcuts (change, repeat, delete)

- Set frequent payments – Saving you time and money!

- Set a period of time for displaying your data in the Overview

Future updates

- Improved artificial intelligence

- Language localization

This app has been designed by truly passionate designers and talented developers. They built something unique and special that they hope will help you in your everyday life!

If you enjoy Spendee, please rate our app. Thanks!

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Spendee 1.1.4 APK
Spendee 1.1.4 APK - written by Unknown , published at 6:51 PM, categorized as Android Apps . And have 0 comments
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