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RecForge II – Audio Recorder 0.0.17g APK

by Unknown , at 8:21 AM , have 0 comments
RecForge II – Audio Recorder 0.0.17g - Now Monkey D. Luffy Post New RecForge II – Audio Recorder 0.0.17g APK at Android Apps Category

*App Info*

Current Version: 0.0.17g

Requires Android: 4.0 and up

Category: Music & Audio

v0.0.17g update:

Version 0.0.17 (beta)

- Fix recording initialisation problem on Android 4.4

- Possibility to disable metadata

- In app purchase license state more visible

- Tags (Create, edit, move, navigate, …)

- Minor bug fix

- Help + Online FAQ

Version 0.0.16 (beta)

- In app purchase minor bug fix

Version 0.0.15 (beta)

- Now remember the file listview position

- Fix a bug on the charset used for metadata

- Russian and Simplified Chinese translation updated

- Fix default language icon


This is a beta version of RecForge II – Audio Recorder.


Records to mp3, ogg, wma, flac and opus formats are interrupted every 3 minutes (there is no limit for the wav format). Simply press the pause button to continue recording or remove this limitation in the In-App Purchase section.

RecForge Pro owners : As long as a legit RecForge Pro version is installed on your device, you shouldn’t have the 3 minutes limitation.


RecForge II is a powerfull dictaphone and audio editor for Android.

It allows to Record, Play, Edit and Share sounds, voices, notes, musics or any other audio media.

- Record meetings, rehersals, music learning, EVP, studio recording, …

- Play and use the loop feature for memorization, actor lines, bible memory, recitations, …

- Time stretching with playing rate and pitch adjustment (to practice an instrument or transcribe lectures, …)

- Schedule recordings

- Skip silence (with threshold)

- Edit your audio files for ringtones, commentary, …

- Tag your recordings and edit metadata

- Archive it using cloud storage services or share it with your friends by mail, social networks, soundcloud …

Main features :

- Real-time record in mp3, ogg, wma, opus, flac and wav

- Play, record, pause / resume, loop, convert, edit, concat, merge audio files, time strecth, adjust pitch tone, and playing rate …

- Visualize audio signal (the only application on the Play store to display the right and left channels for stereo files)

- Edit your recording to keep only interesting parts or make basic arrangement

- Share your recordings

- Convert your files “from” and “to” all available audio format (mp3, ogg, wma, opus, flac and wav) with all desired settings (sample rate, bite rate, mono/stereo, …)

- Choose your input (front microphone or back microphone)

- Use external microphone (3.5 jack : works with iRig Mic, iRig Cast, iRig Pre or RODE smartLav microphones or requires a TRRS adapter. cf FAQ)

- Record in background even when the phone is locked

- Hide notifications to discretly record

- Powerfull file manager (rename, delete, copy, move, sort files…)

- Different widgets size (one click to record)

- Control RecForge from the notification bar

Supported audio format :

- 8, 11, 12, 16, 22, 24, 32, 44 and 48kHz

- mp3, ogg, wma, opus, flac and wav

- from 32 to 320 kbps

- mono / stereo (mono x2) / “true stereo” (cf supported devices)

- 16bits

- Disable AGC (Automatic Gain Control) for better audio quality

- Manual gain adjustment

Language translations :

- Catalan

- English,

- Finnish,

- French,

- German,

- Hungarian,

- Italian,

- Polish,

- Portuguese,

- Russian,

- Simplified Chinese,

- Spanish,

- Traditional Chinese,

- Turkich.

search keywords: dictaphone, dictation, audio, voice, sound, speech, memo, rehearsal, tape, recorder, recording, pitch, tone, tempo, volume, stretch, time stretching, agc, trs, trrs, stereo, loop, editor, ringtones, external microphone, pause, resume, record, preview, gain, music, studio, concat, merge, convert, schedule, metadata, split, tag

similar apps: voice pro, tapemachine, tape recorder, soundcloud, iRig recorder, smart voice recorder, easy voice recorder, tape-a-talk, sound recorder, virtual recorder, hi-q mp3 voice recorder, al voice recorder, all that recorder, androrec, hificorder, MP3 cutter and ringtone maker, Audio cutter, Ringtone maker, audacity - DOES NOT supply any patch, crack, activation key, serial number, license code or keygen for the apk file.

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RecForge II – Audio Recorder 0.0.17g APK
RecForge II – Audio Recorder 0.0.17g APK - written by Unknown , published at 8:21 AM, categorized as Android Apps . And have 0 comments
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