*App Info*
Current Version: 1.45
Requires Android: 1.6 and up
Category: Books & Reference
v1.45 update:
1.45 (140621)
+ Support Text-To-Speech (TTS) (permission to the phone calls need to stop tts while calling)
+ Support network libraries (OPDS)
+ Support tables for fb2 format
+ Change the menu structure and interface
+ Minor fixes parsers formats
+ Azerbaijani localization (Eldost)
+ 3D animation turning (Android4 +)
+ Content tree
+ Support mobi files with a high compression ratio (HUFF / CDIC) – thanks afainber and jno
Program is designed for reading fiction book.
- Book reader compatible with Android 1.6+
- read formats: fb2, fbz, txt, epub, html, doc, docx, odt, rtf, mobi, prc (PalmDoc), tcr. Supported ZIP and GZ archives.
- It is possible to specify an encoding of reading file (include 932, 936, 949, 950 code page).
- Support Text-To-Speech (TTS) (permission to the calls need to stop tts while calling)
- Support network libraries (OPDS)
- Local library. The selection of authors, series, title, publication year, genre.
- Supported interface languages: russian, english, german, greek, ukrainian, belarusian, polish, chineze, bulgarian, turkish.
- Supported dictionaries: ColorDict3, GoldenDict, Fora Dictionary, Dictan, Lingvo, FreeDictionary, HedgeDict, AardDictionary, QuickDict, Slovoed.
- Fb2 and TXT file editing. If a file is in an archive, edited file is unpacked to the same directory as the original one.
- It is possible to select code page for file names in zip.
- Correct hyphenation for 20 languages.
- Four profiles with independent font, color, brightness, gamma correction and indent of text.
- One- and two-page mode with automatic switch to the two-page mode in landscape.
- Configuring of display styles (headings, citations, abstracts, etc.). Each style includes font, color, text style, text size, shadow, indent, spacing and so on.
- Search.
- Autoscroll “wave” and “slide”.
- 3D paging animation.
- Initial letter to one or two lines of text at the beginning of each chapter or paragraph.
- Independent setting of all items in the status bar and footer for windowed and full-screen mode.
- Support for display of footnotes on the page for fb2- and (most) epub-files.
- The horizontal and vertical alignment of text on the screen.
- Hanging punctuation.
- “Sections from a new page” option.
- Navigation in the text: by percents, by pages, to the beginning/end of the text, 10 pages forward/backward, to the next/previous chapter.
- Table of contents in fb2-, doc- and epub-files.
- 9 tap-zones for short and long taps, gestures, gestures with two fingers, resize text by “pinch”, to assign the actions for buttons.
- Support E-Ink screens. Adaptation of appearance for the E-Ink screens, support of “fast” refresh for Sony T1/T2, Nook ST/NSTwGL/GL, Onyx Maxwel/Kopernik/Kepler/Magellan/Marco Polo, Texet 138.
- Fixation of screen rotation.
- Support 9.png skins with automatic selection of one- or two-page mode.
- Upon selection of embedded texture, background color is taken into account, i.e. mix of textures and colors.
- Clock behind the text.
- Quotes, bookmarks, text labeling, sending the selected text to third-party programs.
- Creating shortcuts for books on the home screen.
- Save / restore program settings / styles / current profile (+fonts, +skins) / text styles.
- Ability to hold screen backlight (up to 20 minutes of inactivity).
- Fine-tuning of various indentations, adjusting software shading of the screen (if minimal hardware brightness level is too high for comfortable use).
- The program collects anonymous statistics of open books for creating the top -100 authors and books. This top -100 is available in program.
- Synchronize reading position via network or file system.
Similar applications: AlReader2, FBReader, Cool Reader, Moon+ Reader and other Books Reader
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