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JotterPad X: Writer 10.4.3 APK

by Unknown , at 3:03 AM , have 0 comments
JotterPad X: Writer 10.4.3 - Now Monkey D. Luffy Post New JotterPad X: Writer 10.4.3 APK at Android Apps Category

*App Info*

Current Version: 10.4.3

Requires Android: 4.0.3 and up

Category: Productivity

v10.4.3 update:


You can only delete .md, .txt and .fountain files. (Delete at your own risk. We are not responsible for your action of file deletion. Also, we never delete your files without consent.)

Fixed truncated filename of folder.

Margin fixed.

Attempt to fix character limit for LG devices.



JotterPad X — Writer is a minimalist plain text editor perfect for writing novel, lyrics, poems, essay and screenplay. It gives you the creative writing space to turn your thoughts into text.

“It made writing simple and enjoyable again” — Dr Rita, android app curator

“Writing on the go has never been so easy” — Joan Mergillano

# Full Featured Plain Text Editor

- Distraction-free Interface

- Open .txt, Markdown (.md), .fountain

- Undo & Redo

- Phrase Finding

- Word and Character Count

- Built in Dictionary

- Extend Keyboard

- Keyboard Shortcuts (e.g. CRTL+Z for undo)

# Innovative Technology

- Dropbox Integration (Works even offline)

- Support Multiple Encodings (UTF-8, BIG 5 etc.)

- Typeface & Style Customization

- RTL Support

# Share and Export

- Share .txt

- Share Plain text

- Plain Text/Markdown to PDF

- Plain Text/Markdown to .rtf

- Markdown to HTML

- Markdown to Formatted text

# Get Creative (Requires In-app Purchase)

- Lock Screen

- Night Mode

- Thesaurus

- Markdown Preview

- Remove PDF Watermark

- Version Control


1. JotterPad does not run on older devices (e.g. Galaxy Star)

2. Some of the features require purchase.

3. JotterPad X is able to access to your Local directory. Please do not tamper it (e.g. Delete your folders). We are not LIABLE for any deleted files.

4. Please disable app cleaning agents (e.g. Clean Master). It will DELETE text files (.txt).

5. LG devices text shows up to 10500 characters.

For more information,






* NaNoWriMo - DOES NOT supply any patch, crack, activation key, serial number, license code or keygen for the apk file.

NOTE: We ONLY share free apps for home or personal use only. If any downloads violated your copyright, please contact us, We'll delete it ASAP. Thanks.
JotterPad X: Writer 10.4.3 APK
JotterPad X: Writer 10.4.3 APK - written by Unknown , published at 3:03 AM, categorized as Android Apps . And have 0 comments
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