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eCurrency (Exchange Rates) APK

by Unknown , at 2:08 AM , have 0 comments
eCurrency (Exchange Rates) - Now Monkey D. Luffy Post New eCurrency (Exchange Rates) APK at Android Apps Category

*App Info*

Current Version:

Requires Android: 2.2 and up

Category: Finance

v0. update:

- New Holo UI.

- Fixed some bugs and translation.

- Added Ghana Cedi(GHS) to currency list.

- Supported the localized decimal separator(radix point) and grouping separator.

- Optimized the layout in landscape mode.

- Fixed crash when localized decimal separator was not dot(“.”).

- Fixed some bugs.


eCurrency, a simple and fast tool, offers immediate conversion between any currencies.

You will need it when you travel abroad or visit foreign E-commerce websites.

eCurrency provides:

1. Conversion between 141+ currencies;

2. Real-time exchange rates;

3. Exchange rate trend chart;

4. Auto show/hide keyboard;

5. Multiple currencies displayed in one screen;

6. Offline mode to save data traffic;

7. Auto exchange rates update;

8. Easy drag & drop to change list order (edit mode), etc. - DOES NOT supply any patch, crack, activation key, serial number, license code or keygen for the apk file.

NOTE: We ONLY share free apps for home or personal use only. If any downloads violated your copyright, please contact us, We'll delete it ASAP. Thanks.
eCurrency (Exchange Rates) APK
eCurrency (Exchange Rates) APK - written by Unknown , published at 2:08 AM, categorized as Android Apps . And have 0 comments
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