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DiskInfo PRO 4.5 APK

by Unknown , at 8:22 PM , have 0 comments
DiskInfo PRO 4.5 - Now Monkey D. Luffy Post New DiskInfo PRO 4.5 APK at Android Apps Category

*App Info*

Current Version: 4.5

Requires Android: 2.1 and up

Category: Tools

v4.5 update:

Italian translation (credits: bovirus)


DiskInfo is a unique app that lists all partitions and all mount points on you device. It shows disk usage and very detailed partition and storage information. It also displays total and free memory (RAM) and Swap (e.g. zRam).

It supports:

* mounted and unmounted partitions,

* device-mapper / loop partitions,

* LVM partitions (DiskInfo PRO)

* temporary mount points

For each partition, you can display the following information:

* total size, used and free space

* partition name, partition alias, partition type, partition number

* device name and type

* block size

* mounted file system type, mount paths, mount type (ro/rw)

* logical volume group and attributes (DiskInfo PRO)

* vendor and model for USB devices (DiskInfo PRO)

* manufactured date, CSD, CID, OEM ID, manf. ID, revisions and serial numbers for SD cards (DiskInfo PRO)

All shown in clean, human readable format.

DiskInfo PRO version includes all features from free version plus some extra:

+ home screen widget

+ compact mode for the partition list

+ LVM support

+ more details (vendor, model for USB devices; manf. date, CSD, CID, OEM ID, manf. ID, revisions and serial numbers for SD cards)

By purchasing the PRO version you support further development of the app.

If you don’t have LVM installed, then root access is NOT required.

ACCESS_SUPERUSER permission is needed only for LVM support – you will not be prompted for it if your device does not have LVM installed.

* If you like the app, please rate it.

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DiskInfo PRO 4.5 APK
DiskInfo PRO 4.5 APK - written by Unknown , published at 8:22 PM, categorized as Android Apps . And have 0 comments
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