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Arma Tactics THD 1.4005 APK

by Unknown , at 7:05 PM , have 0 comments
Arma Tactics THD 1.4005 - Now Monkey D. Luffy Post New Arma Tactics THD 1.4005 APK at Android Games Category

*Themes Info*

Current Version: 1.4005

Requires Android: 4.0.3 and up

Category: Strategy

v1.4005 update:

1.4005 changelog:

Users should now be able to download this version even for devices without touch screen / accelerometer.


*** Designed for Tegra 3/4 ONLY!!! see the list of currently supported devices in recent changes tab ***

*** Shield / Tegra 4 version with features like dynamic shadows, rich particles, post process effects… ***

** Complete list of supported devices can be found at **

Arma Tactics THD takes the best from the popular strategy genre… and goes mobile. The finest assets used in the critically acclaimed Arma™ series on PC now come to life on the mobile platforms, in one of the best looking mobile games to date.

Arma Tactics is a turn-based close-combat strategy game, where the player takes control of a four-member Special Forces team. There are no given strategies, rails to move on, or paths to follow; it‘s up to the player to decide how he will play through both the story-driven missions and generated missions with randomized objectives. Whether using stealth or a more direct approach, players will need to use their strategic thinking and use both basic and advanced weaponry while facing many different opponents – ranging from unorganized local militia to smart and skilled mercenaries.

With highly replayable missions, achievements, weapons to unlock and whole campaigns to be regularly added, Arma Tactics offers many hours of intense ever-changing action.

Arma Tactics is now MOGA Enhanced! Available at major retailers, carrier stores and online at

For Tegra-powered devices only – learn more on TegraZone available on Google Play

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Arma Tactics THD 1.4005 APK
Arma Tactics THD 1.4005 APK - written by Unknown , published at 7:05 PM, categorized as Android Games . And have 0 comments
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