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Simplest Reminder Pro 2.0.2 APK

by Unknown , at 8:08 PM , have 0 comments
Simplest Reminder Pro 2.0.2 - Now Monkey D. Luffy Post New Simplest Reminder Pro 2.0.2 APK at Android Apps Category

*App Info*

Current Version: 2.0.2

Requires Android: 2.3 and up

Category: Productivity

v2.0.2 update:

Ver 2.1

- Fixed bug introduced in 4.4 KitKat (long pressing on the recurring reminder was showing 2 menus)

- Built and tested for Android 4.4 KitKat (still compatible with Android 2.3 and up)


What is Simplest Reminder?

- It is the easiest to use reminder application in the whole Google Play Store.

What does it do?

- It allows you to quickly set a single or recurring reminder in as few steps as possible. When the time comes your phone or tablet will remind you about your task.

What makes it better than other reminder apps?

“Setting up new reminders could not be simpler.”

“Clean, simple interface.”

“Very fast for adding a reminder.”

“No frills, just a reminder that can be set up with as little effort as possible. Solid.”

“Simple to use. Has all the necessary features.”

“Without a bunch of complicated bells and whistles I just didn’t need.”

“It’s very easy to set reminders, and it has worked perfectly and consistently.”

*These statements come from user reviews

Is it easy to use?

- The main goal of this application is simplicity. It allows you to create a simple reminder in as few steps as possible. At the minimum you need to provide time and press OK button. That’s all. Optionally you can add description, date and recurrence but they are not required.

What Pro features does it have?

- Recurring reminders. Choose between daily, weekly, monthly, or annually

- Self-repeating reminders. Reminder will repeat itself every 10 minutes so you don’t miss it. This can be disabled or changed in Settings

- LED light notifications

- Swipe notification away to delete reminder. This can be disabled in Settings

- Swipe notification away to dismiss recurring reminder

Can I customize anything?

- Absolutely! You can specify notification sound, vibration, and vibration pattern. You can also enable/disable screen on, LED light, swipe to delete/dismiss. You can also change intervals for snooze and self-repeating reminders.

It all sounds great but can I try it for free first?

- Yes you can. I have free version available in the Play store under the name: Simplest Reminder

IMPORTANT: If you use any Task Manager or Task Killer application please add Simplest Reminder Pro to the Ignored List. Otherwise Simplest Reminder Pro may not work.

RATINGS: If you find any issues with my app please email me instead of rating 1 star. I will do what I can to solve the issue and I will reply to every email.

Fine print: Thanks to each and everyone of you who has bought this app while it was just a donation version without any extra features. Your interest and appreciation of my hard work has motivated and encouraged me to keep working on this application to deliver new and awesome features. I hope you enjoy them! - DOES NOT supply any patch, crack, activation key, serial number, license code or keygen for the apk file.

NOTE: We ONLY share free apps for home or personal use only. If any downloads violated your copyright, please contact us, We'll delete it ASAP. Thanks.
Simplest Reminder Pro 2.0.2 APK
Simplest Reminder Pro 2.0.2 APK - written by Unknown , published at 8:08 PM, categorized as Android Apps . And have 0 comments
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