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[Root] CM App Installer 3.1.4 APK

by Unknown , at 6:51 PM , have 0 comments
[Root] CM App Installer 3.1.4 - Now Monkey D. Luffy Post New [Root] CM App Installer 3.1.4 APK at Android Apps Category

*App Info*

Current Version: 3.1.4

Requires Android: 3.0 and up

Category: Tools

v3.1.4 update:

- Added support for the DSP Libs as another option in the list

- Minor bug fixes.


CM App Installer pushes CyanogenMod applications to any ROM!

Currently supported:

• Apollo music player

• CM Messaging

• CM Torch

• CM File Manager

• DSP Manager

• CM Calculator

• Voice +

• News and Weather Widget

Version 3.1.4 update To get DSP Manager to work if it’s not, you will now see “DSP Manager Lib” in the drawer on the side. Install this lib after you have installed DSP Manager, and that should get the sound working

** Please read this before you install! **

There are a lot of ROM’s out there, some CyanogenMod-based and some not. The CyanogenMod team go much further than ROM functions, they develop apps with increased functionality over stock or older versions.

This application is designed to install these CyanogenMod apps as system apps, regardless of your ROM. Please note this is a root-only app!

The process is designed to be as simple as possible

• select your app

• press download

• press install

• reboot

The system will refresh them upon reboot, and the app should be installed


This app isn’t perfect! There isn’t much I can do about these things though after looking into it, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t, for seemingly no reason. The most common errors are listed below

• Issue with install function copying a blank version of the application. For this reason, i’ve installed an “Information” button on each app, which will tell you the size of the apps where they are.. If you get an installed file size of 0, then your current ROM has this persistent issue, and there appears to be nothing I can do about it on this end. If there is, or if anyone can figure it out, please contact me. Note, this is a ROM issue, something to do with the mounting in your ROM, or the Root status of your device. This issue has nothing to do with the application itself! (if you check, the issue will persist in apps such as Root Explorer)

• Parsing errors. If checking Information under the installed app and the installed file size matches the downloaded file size, then this may be an issue with your device or ROM, and this is due to a incompatibility with the application and your device. An older version might work, but at the moment older versions of apk’s aren’t supported. The latest apk’s are pulled from the CM nightlies every week or so. Sorry

• Voice+ showing SMS Permission error. Unfortunately this error is nothing to do with me, it is the design of the VoicePlus application and there’s not a lot I can do about it. I recommend trying: Uninstalling Voice+, Use a file explorer (such as root browser) to go to your default storage directory, and there should be a folder labelled CMApps. Inside here are the downloaded apks. Try installing it from here (assuming your Unknown sources in Security is ticked)

If it doesn’t work, check any of the issues listed before, and if there is a problem, unfortunately the application won’t work for you, and you’ll have to go and grab a CM build for your phone, extract the apps and attempt to push them yourself.


I do not take any responsibility for this app breaking the respective apps, your device, or causing spontaneous combustion. Use at your own risk, although “Uninstall (Revert backup)” should restore your previous application

I take no credit for the CyanogenMod applications, they were developed by the CyanogenMod team, and all credit goes to them for their apps. My intent is to make the install process much easier

If anyone has any suggestions as to apps that could be added, i’m available at

Donations welcome!

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PayPal: (Available through the app) - DOES NOT supply any patch, crack, activation key, serial number, license code or keygen for the apk file.

NOTE: We ONLY share free apps for home or personal use only. If any downloads violated your copyright, please contact us, We'll delete it ASAP. Thanks.
[Root] CM App Installer 3.1.4 APK
[Root] CM App Installer 3.1.4 APK - written by Unknown , published at 6:51 PM, categorized as Android Apps . And have 0 comments
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