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Ultra GPS Logger 3.085 APK

by Unknown , at 8:15 PM , have 0 comments
Ultra GPS Logger 3.085 - Now Monkey D. Luffy Post New Ultra GPS Logger 3.085 APK at Android Apps Category

*App Info*

Current Version: 3.085

Requires Android: 2.1 and up

Category: Tools

v3.085 update:

- new log format CSV

- multi settings backup

- treatment of KitKat storage restrictions

- option to deactivate example POIs

- pressure data retrieval fix

- new altitude compensation

- track playback

- fix regarding min distance

- BT adjustments for KitKat

- fixes for Google Drive

- Spanish support (beta)

- tweaks to default category

- some fixes / cleanup


- formats: NMEA, KML, GPX

- log raw, by distance or time

- log during standby

- AutoLog, AutoStart

- Send log / track by email

- Publish to FTP

- Compress log: Zip, KMZ

- Google Maps, Open Street Map

- POIs, etc

- Online Services

- Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive

- Barometer / pressure sensor

- use of internal GPS

- use of external GPS via Bluetooth

- allow other apps to use external GPS via Mock provider

- act as GPS mouse

Ultra GPS Logger is a GPS Tracker which allows you to generate NMEA, KML and/or GPX logs with your GPS or GLONASS enabled Android device. It is able to keep GPS on during standby, which enables logging of a long period of time without the need of interaction with the device.

Ultra GPS Logger logs raw NMEA sentences! This is much more accurate than other products which just log every minute… It also supports intelligent KML/GPX output, which logs only real movement. Ultra GPS Logger also lets your device vibrate and flash its led in case the GPS fix is lost. Furthermore it represents your track on Google Map or Open Street Map!

User feedback is highly appreciated. Ultra GPS Logger is used for a variety of activities, like hiking, sailing, car / motorcycle / yacht racing. Let me know what you use Ultra GPS Logger for :-) )

Quick Start Guide:

User Guide (PDF): - DOES NOT supply any patch, crack, activation key, serial number, license code or keygen for the apk file.

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Ultra GPS Logger 3.085 APK
Ultra GPS Logger 3.085 APK - written by Unknown , published at 8:15 PM, categorized as Android Apps . And have 0 comments
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