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Paperland Pro Live Wallpaper 4.2.1 APK

by Unknown , at 11:26 PM , have 0 comments
Paperland Pro Live Wallpaper 4.2.1 - Now Monkey D. Luffy Post New Paperland Pro Live Wallpaper 4.2.1 APK at Android Apps Category

*App Info*

Current Version: 4.2.1

Requires Android: 2.3 and up

Category: Personalization

v4.2.1 update:

4.2.1 Gradual sunrise and other fixes

Added an option to have the sun and moon gradually rise and set through the day, in the Time and Scroll section.

Fixed all these too!

- Random Weather

- Birds with Live Weather

- Night birds option

- Night rainbow option

- Theme Manager crash

4.1 St. Patrick’s Day!

Added a St. Patrick’s Day theme to the Theme Manager, and options for a leprechaun and clover clouds under Scene > St. Patrick’s Day.


A fantastic paper cut-out landscape scrolls across your screen! Choose a fixed time of day, or let the sun and moon rise and set according to real world around you.

Live local weather is now available around the world, powered by AccuWeather. We’ve added an interactive billboard to support global, hourly, accurate conditions, so that users who want to take advantage of live weather can do so at no additional cost.

Choose from a variety of built in themes:

+ New Year’s Eve

+ Silent Night

+ Desert Migration

+ Beach

+ Halloween

+ Balloon Festival

+ Big City

+ Christmas!

+ Autumn

+ Tundra

+ Papery Land

+ Wilderness

+ Sunset

+ Silhouette

+ Road Trip!

+ Marina

+ Amethyst

+ Rainy Day

+ Winter Drive

To configure all the colors and objects and save your own themes, download Paperland Pro!

Take screen shots of your creations and share them with your friends!

Use the Randomize feature to come up with an infinite number of new themes!

If you like to change settings a lot, be sure to add the Paperland settings widget to your home screen (Home > Menu > Add > Widgets > Paperland).


+ Internet permission is used for fetching local weather information.

+ SD card permission required for screenshot saving.

+ General location permission is required for live weather and accurate sunrise/sunset time calculation. - DOES NOT supply any patch, crack, activation key, serial number, license code or keygen for the apk file.

NOTE: We ONLY share free apps for home or personal use only. If any downloads violated your copyright, please contact us, We'll delete it ASAP. Thanks.
Paperland Pro Live Wallpaper 4.2.1 APK
Paperland Pro Live Wallpaper 4.2.1 APK - written by Unknown , published at 11:26 PM, categorized as Android Apps . And have 0 comments
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