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CM11 CM10 Sony XPERIA Z2 theme 2.3.3 APK

by Unknown , at 10:14 PM , have 0 comments
CM11 CM10 Sony XPERIA Z2 theme 2.3.3 - Now Monkey D. Luffy Post New CM11 CM10 Sony XPERIA Z2 theme 2.3.3 APK at Android Apps Category

*App Info*

Current Version: 2.3.3

Requires Android: 4.0 and up

Category: Personalization

v2.3.3 update:

The Sony XPERIA Z theme, now also available in Green, Orange, Red, Purple!

New Settings icons

New tabs

New spinners

Improvements and bug fixes


CyanogenMod 11, 10.2, 10.1, 10, 9 & AOKP Theme: Sony XPERIA Z UXP for the T-Mobile theme chooser

Please read all of this before complaining the theme doesnt work!!

If you have a problem, please send me an email instead of leaving a negative comment. I can help you via email, not via a comment..


* Trebuchet force closes.


- Go to recovery and select factory reset

- Download the theme but do NOT set it

- Go to Settings –> Apps –> Trebuchet and remove all possible data

- Now enjoy the theme!

* Theme is inproperly compiled error. Solution: Set system theme, reboot your phone, set Sony UXP theme

* When installing this theme, you may ignore the “Sorry, this theme is missing assets for your device’s screen size.” message!


Designed for HDPI, XHDPI and XXHDPI devices! Works on CM10.1 CM10, CM9 and AOKP ROMS!

Please have a look at this xda thread for instructions and feedback!

[Themed non-system apps]

- Apex Launcher

- Nova Launcher

- Trebuchet

- Action Launcher Pro

- ADW Launcher EX

- Default launcher

- Apollo

- Google Music

- Android music player

- Poweramp

- Go Contacts EX

- Go Dialer EX

- exDialer & Contacts

- Camera ICS

- Camera ICS+

- Camera JB+

- Camera Launcher for Nexus 7

Now supporting Android 4.1 Jelly Bean! (CM10)

Now supporting Android 4.2 Jelly Bean! (CM10.1)

Now supporting Android 4.3 JellyBean! (CM10.2)

Now supporting Android 4.4 KitKat! (CM11) - DOES NOT supply any patch, crack, activation key, serial number, license code or keygen for the apk file.

NOTE: We ONLY share free apps for home or personal use only. If any downloads violated your copyright, please contact us, We'll delete it ASAP. Thanks.
CM11 CM10 Sony XPERIA Z2 theme 2.3.3 APK
CM11 CM10 Sony XPERIA Z2 theme 2.3.3 APK - written by Unknown , published at 10:14 PM, categorized as Android Apps . And have 0 comments
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