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Big Font (change font size) 2.30 APK

by Unknown , at 8:29 AM , have 0 comments
Big Font (change font size) 2.30 - Now Monkey D. Luffy Post New Big Font (change font size) 2.30 APK at Android Apps Category

*App Info*

Current Version: 2.30

Requires Android: 2.3.3 and up

Category: Tools

v2.30 update:

★ support Android 4.2 and greater devices even your device is not rooted

★ require SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW permission for showing pop-up message

★ updated description and FAQ pages

★ bugs fixed


Does the default system font look too small or too large? Do you want to globally change the text size?

This app allows you to scale system font size from 50% (smaller) to 300% (bigger).

*** Over 1,000,000 Downloads! ***


★ working for Android 2.3 and greater devices

★ scale system font size from 50% to 300%

★ preview the scaled text before applying

★ show a notification icon describing the current font size. An option is also provided to hide it

★ switch system font size via tapping the notification

★ customized the font size scale value

★ Android 4+ only provides 3 scaling values, we provide more

★ for Android 2.3~3.x users. You can add “not working” apps into the ignored apps list

It may not work for all devices. Please try it and let me know (Settings > App log) if it does not work on your device.

KW: change system font size, change text size, font changer, large font, large text size, small font, small text size

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Big Font (change font size) 2.30 APK
Big Font (change font size) 2.30 APK - written by Unknown , published at 8:29 AM, categorized as Android Apps . And have 0 comments
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