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UniWar HD 1.6.16 APK

by Unknown , at 7:10 AM , have 0 comments
UniWar HD 1.6.16 - Now Monkey D. Luffy Post New UniWar HD 1.6.16 APK at Android Games Category

*Themes Info*

Current Version: 1.6.16

Requires Android: 1.5 and up

Category: Arcade & Action

v1.6.16 update:

v1.7.0 is coming in the next days to fix crash & performance issues.

If you have issues, please contact us at

Check our forum at to post your comments and critics.

- Map author is shown in WarReport.<br>

- Back button now works in the MapEditor.<br>

- Fixed issue with user map-overload in MapBrowser.<br>

- Fixed battery drain by disabling auto refresh by default.<br>

- MapEditor base credits value of 35 removed.<br>

- Fixes bugs causing crashes.<br>


** 4 millions of games played and counting.

** 2011 Best Multiplayer Game Award 2nd place

** 2009 Best Multiplayer Game Award Nominee & Runner Up

** 2009 Best Strategy Game Award Nominee

** Support ALL Android: tablets, HD phones and non HD.

“…it’s impossible to pass up if you’re even remotely interested in turn based strategy games.” – TouchArcarde

“…I’m truly in awe of everything that has been captured and neatly packaged in UniWar…” – AppCraver – 10/10

“…It’s probably the best strategy game on the iPhone right now…” – PixelatedGeek

Been waiting for a multiplayer game for you and your friends? The wait is over! Here comes UniWar!

UniWar™ is the online multiplayer turn-based strategy game for the Android.

Players take turns building their army and fighting against each other using the strengths of their units while taking advantage of the terrain. It is like chess or checkers but with a lot more possibilities and different boards.

Join several games and move up the ranks to become the top player!

Play anyone, anywhere at anytime!

If you have issues, contact us directly at SUPPORT@UNIWAR.COM so that we can help you.


- 3 races, each with eight varied units.

- 4,000+ maps to choose from with up to 8 players.

- Play up to 20 games at once.

- Team play allows 2v2, 3v3 and 4v4.

- Campaign Mode with 21 missions.

- Play modes: Multiplayer online, Vs. the phone AI, Vs. a friend on the same phone (hot seat), and Campaign mode.

- Worldwide Global Ladder.

- Create or join several games.

- Email notifications when it is your turn.

- In-game chat channel and server main chat room.

- Dedicated game ladder.

- Dedicated forum on

- Rated or unrated game selection.

- Game settings include fog of war and online bots.

- Animated units during play.

- 5 landscape themes.

- Cross-platform game. Play your friends even if they have another phone model.

- Dedicated website.

- Push notification on both Android and iOS.

Spread the word and invite your friends to UniWar for even more fun.

This game is a classic! It is a blend between Advance Wars and StarCraft. Whether you are looking for an RTS or RPG, UniWar will satisfy your needs.

You enjoy multiplayer online games like Rogue Planet or Texas Hold’em? Try UniWar™ and prepare for endless fun…


If you are unable to download the game, try without your SD Card (unmounting it), it should fix it.

If you have issues, please contact us at

Check our forum at to post your comments and critics. - DOES NOT supply any patch, crack, activation key, serial number, license code or keygen for the apk file.

NOTE: We ONLY share free apps for home or personal use only. If any downloads violated your copyright, please contact us, We'll delete it ASAP. Thanks.
UniWar HD 1.6.16 APK
UniWar HD 1.6.16 APK - written by Unknown , published at 7:10 AM, categorized as Android Games . And have 0 comments
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