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SwiP – ProfileSwitcher [Beta] 0.2.2 APK

by Unknown , at 12:14 AM , have 0 comments
SwiP – ProfileSwitcher [Beta] 0.2.2 - Now Monkey D. Luffy Post New SwiP – ProfileSwitcher [Beta] 0.2.2 APK at Android Apps Category

*App Info*

Current Version: 0.2.2

Requires Android: 4.0 and up

Category: Tools

v0.2.2 update:


First release in Play Store


SwiP – Switch profiles intelligently

SwiP is an intelligent profile app for Android.

It’s meant to be an open source alternative to well-known apps like LLama and Trigger (though in a much smaller scale at the moment), which still offers some unique features.


SwiP allows you to create, manage and apply profiles which can contain the following settings:


- Ringer Mode

- Ringtone- & Notification Volume

- Media Volume

- Alarm Volume



- Mobile Data

- WiFi

- Bluetooth


- Automatic Brightness

- Brightness

- Display Time Out

There are also some features which are unfortunately only available for rooted phones like NFC, Airplane Mode and Lockscreen.


Furthermore the app offers trigger-management. A trigger basically defines a rule for the automatic application of selected profiles.

The user is able to create said triggers and to use them for his daily workflow.

A trigger can contain the following rules:

- Location (Geofence)

- Time (Exact time or time range)

- Battery State

- Battery Level (Exact level or level range)

- Headphone State

These rules can be freely combined (e.g. at a certain location AND a certain time).

The app is currently in a beta stage (all important features are implemented and should basically work, but are not tested on a wide range of devices).

Please report bugs here:

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SwiP – ProfileSwitcher [Beta] 0.2.2 APK
SwiP – ProfileSwitcher [Beta] 0.2.2 APK - written by Unknown , published at 12:14 AM, categorized as Android Apps . And have 0 comments
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