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Network Monitor Mini Pro 1.0.99 APK

by Unknown , at 5:44 AM , have 0 comments
Network Monitor Mini Pro 1.0.99 - Now Monkey D. Luffy Post New Network Monitor Mini Pro 1.0.99 APK at Android Apps Category

*App Info*

Current Version: 1.0.99

Requires Android: 2.2 and up

Category: Tools

v1.0.99 update:


* Xiaomi fix


* Djek Energetik (Russian)

* 川﨑聖哉 (Japanese)

* Fix for 4.4.2 (service not restart bug, now restart when unlock)


* Fix for N5

* Update Normalization


* Normalize for VPN, proxy, adblocking traffic


* Run in normal priority (Hide Notification!) (4.3+)

* Enforce READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission (fonts), fix for 4.4


* Prefix / network type color

* Horizontal / vertical layout

* Refresh Interval

* Notification: IP+network

* Heuristics


We like live statistics. Android does not show network connection statistics on screen. You do not know the current internet bandwidth used for upload and download.

This is a mini network monitor for your phone. It monitors the upload and download speed per second. It will always stay in the corner of your phone’s screen. You can set the indicator to any corner of the screen, customize the color and transparency of the indicator. In this way, you can enjoy surfing internet, just like what you do in your PC! You can record the live network information for your WiFi / 3G / 4G network speed!

★ Live Network Traffic Meter (Speed / Data Rate)

★ Custom Prefix (U: / D: etc.)

★ Custom Readings Location

★ Custom Color, Width, Height, Font, Font size, Transparency value

★ Show on Status Bar

★ Adjustable Decimal Places (Please turn it off if you have flickering problem)

★ Adjustable Kilo Value

★ Hide /s Suffix (per second)

★ Hide Readings (No Traffic)

★ Hide when Specific Apps are Running

★ Hide when Day Dreaming (screen saver – 4.2+)

★ Beta Test: Traffic Breakdown Mode (for supported devices only)

★ Normalize VPN / local proxy / ad blocking loopback traffic

(Pro version support auto-hides when there is no traffic, hide for specific apps and it is ad-free)

Free trial available at:

*** 4.3+ user with ROOT: You can now download our “Notification Helper” app to hide, force clear, and recover notifications ***

Update Log:


* Xiaomi fix


* Djek Energetik (Russian)

* 川﨑聖哉 (Japanese)

* Fix for 4.4.2 (service not restart bug, now restart when unlock)


* Fix for 4.4


* Fix for Nexus 5

* Update Normalization option


* Normalize option for VPN, local proxy, adblocking traffic / widget


* Run service in normal priority / hide notification completely (4.3+)

* Enforced READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission for kitkat (Read SD card font) (4.4+)

* Fix for Kitkat (4.4)


* Advanced color (prefix / network type)

* Layout (horizontal / vertical)

* Refresh Interval selection (suggest value is 1)

* Notification: display IP and network (Require INTERNET, ACCESS_WIFI_STATE PERMISSION)

* Show ” – ” for zero reading (regular mode only, please config in DP control)

* Bug fix, and heuristics for beta mode


* Bug fix


* Optimize for HD res


* DP option update (disable it to avoid flickering)

* Beta Testing Mode (for supported devices only)


* Notification fix (4.3+)

* Decimal Places control (DP)


* Custom prefix

* Text transparency

* Hide when day dreaming (4.2+)

* Manual input x, y for custom locations - DOES NOT supply any patch, crack, activation key, serial number, license code or keygen for the apk file.

NOTE: We ONLY share free apps for home or personal use only. If any downloads violated your copyright, please contact us, We'll delete it ASAP. Thanks.
Network Monitor Mini Pro 1.0.99 APK
Network Monitor Mini Pro 1.0.99 APK - written by Unknown , published at 5:44 AM, categorized as Android Apps . And have 0 comments
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