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Jelly Bean Extreme CM11 AOKP 4.3 APK

by Unknown , at 11:44 PM , have 0 comments
Jelly Bean Extreme CM11 AOKP 4.3 - Now Monkey D. Luffy Post New Jelly Bean Extreme CM11 AOKP 4.3 APK at Android Apps Category

*App Info*

Current Version: 4.3

Requires Android: 2.3 and up

Category: Personalization

v4.3 update:

Get the complete changelog and leave comments on my blog!


<h2>Check out my brand new theme!</h2>

BigDX KitKat Extreme




- Refined AOKP KitKat support

- Added new Google search widget

- Changed KitKat Battery

- Cleaned up text throughout all apps. Scaled back on the blue text.

- Added talon

- A lot of refinement throughout many apps

- Updated more xxhdpi images



This theme is NOT for launchers. This theme for for devices that are ROOTED and running a CUSTOM ROM that supports theme chooser. For more info see this link


• Custom, Original Design Work

• Custom Wallpaper

• 4,200 Custom Images!!

I LOVE the Jelly Bean look, but there were some things i didn’t like and some things I thought I could improve. That is what this theme is all about. Taking Jelly Bean to the Extreme!

I have many different colors of this theme

Find them here >

★Check out the brand new BigDX Jelly Bean Extreme Multi Launcher App★

Has over 800 icons and works on ADW, GoEX, Nova, Apex, Next, Solo, Smart and TSF


ROOT is needed and a custom ROM that supports the Theme Engine

★This Theme will work for the following ROM’s★

• CM 9, 10, 10.1, 10.2, 11


• Paranoid Android


• Slim

• Eclipse

• Baked Bean


• Liquid

• Carbon

• Gummy

• Droid Kang

• Purity

★★This theme is designed for mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi and xxhdpi devices★★


All my work is created by me, bignadad

I spend a lot of time getting things just right. Expect many updates and new creations from BigDX

I have many different ADW/GoEX/Nova/Apex themes on Google Play. Check them out by searching BigDX

Please take a moment to rate and comment on my themes.

It makes a big difference and kind comments are greatly appreciated.

What are users saying about BigDX Themes?

Get the complete changelog and leave comments on my blog!


-Download Theme

-Go to System Settings -> Themes

-Select JB Extreme and press apply


When applying theme in theme chooser you might get a message saying “This theme is missing assets for your devices screen”

✮✮Press Apply Anyways✮✮

Also When applying theme in theme chooser you might get a error saying “This theme was improperly compiled and cannot be applied”

✮✮To FIX this just apply System Theme, Reboot, and apply this theme again✮✮

If that doesn’t work try going to system settings, apps, ALL, find “Theme Chooser” and clear data and/or cache.


Below you will see the overall areas I have themed. I have worked very hard to theme everything you see on device. I covered some additional apps but cannot theme them all. I tried to cover all the apps that come on your phone when you first flash a ROM. I will continue to do more work to this theme as time goes on.

Most all popup menus (Light and Dark)

–Widgets that are themed

—-Google Now, News & Weather, Play Store, Power Control, Play Music, Gmail, Email, MMS, Contact, Google Sound Search, AppMonger

–Apps that are inverted

—-Gmail, Email, MMS, Google Now, Play Store, AppMonger, Play Books, Drive (Not in 4.4), Keep, Play Games, YouTube, Dropbox, DocumentsUI, Play Movies

Battery with and without percentages

Cell/Wifi Signals

All AOKP/CM toggle icons

Stock/Swype keyboard

Analog clock

Complete lockscreen handle icons (Not on all roms)

60 app icons

Apex, Nova, ADW, Stock, Trebuchet, Google, Action Launchers

–Apps that have been themed (some more than others)

—-Calculator, Contacts, Chrome, DeskClock, Email, Gmail, LatinIME (stock keyboard), MMS, Phone, Settings, SystemUI, PlayStore, RomControl, GPlus, GoogleNow, PlayMusic, Talk (Working on Hangouts), Swype, AppMonger, Root Explorer, Framework, Talon, TSF Alarm - DOES NOT supply any patch, crack, activation key, serial number, license code or keygen for the apk file.

NOTE: We ONLY share free apps for home or personal use only. If any downloads violated your copyright, please contact us, We'll delete it ASAP. Thanks.
Jelly Bean Extreme CM11 AOKP 4.3 APK
Jelly Bean Extreme CM11 AOKP 4.3 APK - written by Unknown , published at 11:44 PM, categorized as Android Apps . And have 0 comments
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