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CPU-Z 1.05 APK

by Unknown , at 5:44 AM , have 0 comments
CPU-Z 1.05 - Now Monkey D. Luffy Post New CPU-Z 1.05 APK at Android Apps Category

*App Info*

Current Version: 1.05

Requires Android: 2.2 and up

Category: Tools

v1.05 update:

Version 1.05 (02/11/2014)

- Removed Root Access information.

- Added SoC scaling governor.

- Validation button in action bar.

Version 1.04 (07/24/2013)

- Online validation (requires INTERNET permission).

- Report Screen Density (DPI).

Version 1.03 (07/09/2013)

- Support of Android 2.2 and above (API level 8).

- Multi-window

- Extended setting screen (refer to description for more détails).

Version 1.02 (06/25/2013)

- SoC logo.

- MIPS SoC support.

- Fix high CPU occupancy bug.


Android version of the popular CPU identification tool for PC/Windows., CPU-Z is a free application that reports information about your device.

- SoC (System On Chip) name, architecture, clock speed for each core ;

- System information : device brand & model, screen resolution, RAM, storage.;

- Battery information : level, status, temperature ;

- Sensors.

Requirements :

- Android 2.2 and above (version 1.03 and +)

Permissions :

- INTERNET permission is required for the online validation (see notes below for more détails about the validation process)

Notes :

Online Validation (version 1.04 and +)

The validation allows to store the hardware specification of your Android device in a database. After the validation, the program opens your validation URL into your current internet browser. If you enter your e-mail address (optional), an e-mail with your validation link will be sent to you as a reminder.

Settings screen and debug (version 1.03 and +)

If CPU-Z closes abnormally (in case of bug), the settings screen will appear at the next run. You can use that screen to remove the main detection features of the application, and make it run.

Bug report (version 1.05 and +)

In case of bug, please open the application menu and choose “Send Debug Infos” to send a report by email. - DOES NOT supply any patch, crack, activation key, serial number, license code or keygen for the apk file.

NOTE: We ONLY share free apps for home or personal use only. If any downloads violated your copyright, please contact us, We'll delete it ASAP. Thanks.
CPU-Z 1.05 APK
CPU-Z 1.05 APK - written by Unknown , published at 5:44 AM, categorized as Android Apps . And have 0 comments
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