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Sliding Messaging Pro 8.16 APK

by Unknown , at 6:59 PM , have 0 comments
Sliding Messaging Pro 8.16 - Now Monkey D. Luffy Post New Sliding Messaging Pro 8.16 APK at Android Apps Category

*App Info*

Current Version: 8.16

Requires Android: 4.0 and up

Category: Social

v8.16 update:

Version 8.16:

- MMS fixes for some devices

- Delivery report changes

- Other various bug fixes

Version 8.15:

- Add favorites to the quick text who will always be available in the notification

- Delivery time in message details when delivery reports are enabled

- Limit MMS size to 1MB option

- Attempt to resend failed messages when service state changes

- Contact name added to delivery reports

- Fixes to receiving duplicate messages in some cases

- Better handling of sent and delivered messages


Now with full Google Voice support!

Easily manage text messages in a new and up to date format compliant with the Android design guidelines and visually based on the stock messaging app from Google, with added features.


- Easily switch between conversations by dragging out the sliding menu on the left side of the screen.

- Start a new conversation by sliding out the menu on the right side of the screen

- Manage old messages with a single click

- Choose between 10 different themes or make your own from scratch

- Emoji support (1300+ to choose from)

- Google Voice support

- Quick reply popup

- Quick message templates

- Multi-window support for Galaxy Note

- Light Flow support

- Support for sending and viewing picture and group messages

- Option to choose background images for conversations menu and message list

- Custom animations

- Widget

- Individual notification settings

- Contact blacklisting settings

- Security settings

- And so much more!

If you are having problems receiving notifications, you may need to uninstall 3rd party messengers such as Go SMS.

Please email me if you have issues before leaving a poor review and I will help you out with whatever it is.


- Aaron Klinker for the icon

- Jeremy Feinstein for his SlidingMenu on GitHub

- Google for their stock messaging app off of which this app is visually based

- Alexey Slavutsky for Russian translation

- Felix Hopfer for German translation

- Spadewalk for French translation

- Antonio Porcelli and Enrico Speranza for Italian translation

- Tobias Prahl for Swedish translation

- Alireza Afkar for Persian translation

- Kamil Wojtczyk for Polish translation

- Yusuf Rende for Turkish translation

- Cyanogenmod and Google for emoji icons

- And everyone else who’s contributed

NOTE: Due to limitations of the Android System starting in Android 4.4, you will not be able to use your tablet for Google Voice support. It will only be possible to use Google Voice on a device that has SMS functionality. This is due to the new SMS API’s included with KitKat and setting up a default SMS application, which can’t be done on a tablet. - DOES NOT supply any patch, crack, activation key, serial number, license code or keygen for the apk file.

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Sliding Messaging Pro 8.16 APK
Sliding Messaging Pro 8.16 APK - written by Unknown , published at 6:59 PM, categorized as Android Apps . And have 0 comments
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